Welcome to Ginkan Judo School, where we believe in making the art of Judo accessible to everyone. Our class timetable is designed to accommodate various skill levels, ensuring that whether you're a beginner or an advanced practitioner, there's a place for you on the mat.


Class Schedule Overview

Our Judo classes are thoughtfully structured to cover a range of techniques, drills, and strategies that cater to the diverse needs of our members. Check out our class schedule to find the perfect session for you:

Feel free to download the pdf version of our timetable.

Randori session are open to all ages & Skill levels.

Participating in Ginkan judo classes is the best way to improve yourself and improve others BE A Partner & share your judo knowledge.

In November 2023 Ginkan Judo School entered our tenth year of judo education.
Providing judo lessons to people of all ages and groups.
West Tamar Judo Club 33 years.
Exeter Judo Club 15 years.